ACT Scoring Guide

Understanding standardized test scoring, like ACT scores, can be really complicated. You might know that the ACT is scored from 1-36– but how do you get there? There’s a lot more than 36 questions on the test! Here at PrepExpert, we know that the students who get the best scores are the ones who don’t just have a lot of knowledge in general; they’re the students who go in armed…

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What Is a Good ACT Score for Top Universities in 2025?

When it comes to standardized test scoring, it can be hard to tell what a good score really is. With the SAT, the numbers are big– the lowest you can get is a 400, after all. But with the ACT, it often feels like you have less wiggle room, since the highest possible score is a 36. Does that mean there’s a bigger difference between the numbers? Is a 36…

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ACT English Tips

When you take the ACT, there are two language arts sections: Reading and English. While the Reading section tests your ability to synthesize new information, make inferences about the text and the author’s intent, and interpret statements, the English section is more about the mechanics of grammar and writing. It requires you to have a good understanding of the rules of written English, and the questions can be challenging and…

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ACT Test Dates in 2025

If you’re planning on taking the ACT in 2025, you have several dates to choose from. This year, thanks to the way the ACT enhancements are rolling out, your test date is quite important. Depending on when you take the test, you may have a shorter version with some significant changes related to how much time you have per question and per section. And in addition to the version of…

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SAT vs ACT: Which One Should I Take?

For many students applying to colleges, standardized testing just makes sense. Even if your dream school dropped the requirement, there’s no guarantee they won’t bring it back– and if you don’t take the ACT or SAT, you are missing out on some massive scholarship opportunities. Both schools and testing centers offer the opportunity to take tests, making it easier than ever to access the exams– but which one should you…

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Preparing for the ACT: Effective Prep Strategies

Preparing for the ACT can seem overwhelming, but with the right strategies, you can feel confident on test day. The ACT, an important part of many college admissions, measures skills across multiple areas. In addition to baseline academic knowledge, the ACT tests your ability to reason logically and solve problems– which means it requires a strong strategy, not just knowledge. Today, let’s talk about how you can improve your ACT…

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All Colleges That Reinstated SAT / ACT Test Score Requirements In 2024

For a brief period, many colleges and universities hopped on the trend of dropping standardized testing requirements for incoming freshmen. However, this trend has reversed just as quickly, and many schools have already reinstated testing, or will be reinstating it in the coming years. Is your top choice among them? Top Universities That Have Reinstated Testing The shift back to standardized testing has been most notable among some of the…

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New 2025 ACT Test Changes Times have recently been turbulent for standardized testing! Between testing requirements being dropped in the wake of the pandemic, then testing requirements being readopted, standardized tests have seen quite a bit of shake-up. Both the SAT and ACT have undergone significant changes and will be continuing to change in the future. Today, we’re going to look at changes to the ACT and see just how and when those changes…

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A Complete Guide to Guaranteed SAT and ACT Score Scholarships

According to data gathered by the Education Data Initiative, there are more than 1.7 million scholarships handed out to college students every year. But, surprisingly, only 7% of college students receive some form of scholarship. If you want to be among that 7%, you can greatly increase your chances of earning scholarships by raising your standardized test scores. Many colleges and national programs offer students guaranteed scholarships if their SAT…

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Everything You Need to Know About ACT Idioms

If you’ve ever been stumped by an idiom on the ACT, you’re not the only one. Preparing for questions about idioms on the ACT can be difficult because it’s not as straightforward as other aspects of your study routine. After all, you can’t memorize every idiom in the world. You’d end up missing your exam! In this guide, we will explain what idioms look like on the ACT and offer…

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