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6-Week Flagship ACT Course4-Point Score Improvement Guarantee
  • Date: May 27th → Jul 7th
  • Time: Tue/Thu 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM PST
  • Location: Live Online Classroom
  • Instructor: Mr. Miguel Chavira
  • CID: 169165
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FREE BONUS ($2,000 Value)5 Academic Success Masterclasses
  1. How To Ace Any Standardized Test ($400 Value)
  2. How To Improve Time Management ($400 Value)
  3. How To Increase Productivity ($400 Value)
  4. How To Study Effectively ($400 Value)
  5. How To Succeed In College ($400 Value)
Taught by
Dr. Shaan Patel
$0.00 $2,000.00
Subtotal $1,196.00
Total $1,196.00
Cost Per Hour: $16.62
The cost per hour is calculated by dividing the total cost of the course by the number of hours included in the course: $1 196.00 ÷ 72 Hours = $16.62 Per Hour
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