Why Is The SAT Important?
It really seems like everything is important for today’s students, doesn’t it? From extracurriculars to the ever-increasing challenge of schoolwork, you’re told from the first day of your first year that everything you do counts. And that includes your test scores! Not just your academic exams, but your standardized test scores. While it is true that many schools dropped SAT and ACT requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is also…
Read MoreSAT Time Breakdown With Breaks
For any student considering taking the SAT, here’s the full SAT time breakdown with breaks that you should use to help your test prep. Doing well on the SAT will help bolster your college applications and increase your eligibility for a variety of competitive scholarships and academic programs. While you will obviously want to have a strong understanding of the concepts covered on the test to earn a good score,…
Read MoreCan You Take the SAT at Any Age?
The SAT has been an integral part of the American high school experience for nearly 100 years. But, does that mean that only high school students are eligible to participate in the exam? Is it possible for students younger or older to take the test and see how they fare as well? Read on to learn all about how age factors into the SAT exam and gain useful tips for…
Read MoreA Comprehensive Digital SAT Prep Guide
Starting in Spring 2024, all students who choose to take the SAT will take the test in its digital format. The College Board will no longer offer the traditional paper-and-pencil version of the exam for any students. As a result of this change, students may be left wondering how the digital exam will be different and how they should go about preparing for it. In this comprehensive digital SAT guide,…
Read MoreWhat Is a Bad SAT Score?
If you asked college-bound students to list their greatest fears, receiving a bad SAT score would probably make the cut for most of them. But what is a bad SAT score? How do you understand the numbers on your scorecard in the broader context of college, scholarships, percentiles, national averages, and more? Join us as we break down the different ways you can measure your SAT score and determine whether…
Read MoreSAT Test Dates 2024
If you’re preparing to take the SAT in 2024, your head is probably buzzing with questions. Are all the 2024 SAT test dates digital? How many are there? When do you need to register? Which date is the best fit for your schedule and application deadlines? We have the answers to all these questions and more in our complete guide to choosing the perfect 2024 SAT test date, so read…
Read MoreHow To Calculate SAT Score | Step-By-Step
Here is the basic step-by-step process of how to calculate SAT score for each section, and your overall composite, when doing your own test prep. How To Calculate SAT Score: Step-by-Step Process Add Your Raw Scores Together In short, the amount of questions you get right creates your “raw score.” You receive one point for every correct answer. There are no point deductions for wrong answers, which is why you…
Read MoreHow Is the SAT Scored?
Though the SAT is no longer required at some universities, it is still an important tool that helps students make their applications stand out from the rest. But if you really want to make the most of your SAT scores, you should take some time to understand how the scores are calculated. What is a section score? What are subscores? How do the different sections of the exam factor into…
Read MoreSAT Test Dates 2023-24: How to Choose the Right One
So, the time has finally come for you to schedule your SAT. This is an exciting time! You’re taking steps to develop your future and move forward on your chosen path of success. But honestly, choosing the right SAT test date can feel pretty overwhelming. How do you know which date to pick? Are some dates better than others? Should you take the test as soon as possible just to…
Read MoreIs the Digital SAT Easier?
Starting in March 2024, students who take the SAT in the United States will take the new, digital version of the test rather than the traditional pen-and-paper version. When the College Board announced their transition to the digital SAT, they also noted that this move would do more than “simply putting the current SAT on a digital platform.” While the concepts tested on the SAT will stay the same, the…
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