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SAT Test Dates 2024

If you’re preparing to take the SAT in 2024, your head is probably buzzing with questions. Are all the 2024 SAT test dates digital? How many are there? When do you need to register? Which date is the best fit for your schedule and application deadlines?

We have the answers to all these questions and more in our complete guide to choosing the perfect 2024 SAT test date, so read on and find out!

Confirmed and Anticipated 2024 SAT Test Dates

It’s important to note that, starting in Spring 2024, all SAT test dates will be digital. Keep this in mind as you select a test date and make arrangements to go to your testing center. These test dates will be the same for all students including both U.S. and international students.

Test DatesRegistration DeadlineDeadline for Cancellation
March 9, 2024Feb 23, 2024February 27, 2024
May 4, 2024Apr 19, 2024April 23, 2024
June 1, 2024May 16, 2024May 21, 2024

The Summer and Fall SAT test dates have not yet been officially announced by the College Board. However, they have provided the following list of anticipated test dates for the remainder of 2024.

  • August 24, 2024
  • October 5, 2024
  • November 2, 2024
  • December 7, 2024

Remember that these dates may change in the future.

Choosing the Best SAT Test Date for You

The SAT will be offered on seven different dates in 2024. Before you commit to one or multiple of those test dates, you should spend some time assessing the optimal time period for you to take the test. This answer will vary from student to student according to factors like grade, study schedule, retakes, application deadlines, and other obligations.

Juniors Vs. Seniors

The SAT is open to high school juniors and seniors each year. Depending on which grade you are in currently, you may choose to sign up for the SAT at a different part of the year.

Most students should aim to take the SAT for the first time in the fall of their junior year. This should give you plenty of time to evaluate your scores and prepare to retake the test in Spring if you wish to do so. Then, you can use the summer before your senior year to think about your scores again as you create your final list of top colleges.

Seniors looking to take the SAT will have more obligations to consider, especially college and scholarship application deadlines. Try to sign up for an early date to allow yourself enough time to send in quality applications. The digital SAT should let students gain access to their scores much sooner than the old paper-and-pencil version of the test, but it is still a good idea to aim for a test date in August, October, or November to avoid rushing your applications.

Give Yourself Time to Prepare

To do well on the SAT, you will have to spend time preparing. Though the amount of prep necessary to achieve a good score can vary from student to student, most students should give themselves upwards of three months to study. It is possible to study for the SAT in as little as a month, but having more time enables you to spread out your studying and absorb information from all the necessary subjects.

Allow for the Possibility of Retakes

Retakes are one of the main reasons why it is important to take your first SAT during your junior year. This will allow you enough time to study and sign up for the test again well before your application deadlines roll around. Depending on how many points you want to add to your initial score, you may have to study quite a bit before taking the test again.

To increase your score, you will have to spend a certain amount of hours studying. The rule of thumb for studying to improve your SAT score is as follows:

  • Study 10 hours to improve by at least 30 points.
  • Study 40 hours to improve by at least 100 points.
  • Study 80 hours to improve by at least 150 points.
  • Study 150 or more hours to improve by at least 200 points.

This schedule may not work for everyone, but it is a useful starting guide for those unsure of how much they need to study before retaking the SAT. Remember to spread out your studying in the weeks or months leading up to your test date and try to avoid cramming all 40 hours into one week.

Pay Attention to Your Deadlines

You need to have access to your scores before the deadlines for your college applications and any relevant scholarship applications. Each one will have its own deadline, so it may be beneficial to make a list of your application deadlines or mark them on your calendar. Some students may select their earliest deadline and use it as a goal to have their scores and other necessary resources prepared by then.

Any students looking into Early Action or Early Decision must pay particular attention to their deadlines, as they will most likely be much earlier than traditional deadlines. Early admission deadlines tend to fall in early November between the 1st and 15th, so keep that in mind as you choose a test date. Generally, a summer test date (June or August) would be ideal for students seeking early admission, but you may be able to get away with an October test date if necessary.

Plan Around Other Obligations

Students tend to be very busy during their junior and senior years of high school. Balancing school, sports, clubs, internships, volunteer work, jobs, extracurriculars, and fun time spent with family and friends is difficult. 

Think ahead and try to schedule your SAT test dates around other important events in your life like your birthday, prom, homecoming, competitions, etc. After all, the last thing you want to do is overload yourself with studying and other preparations at the same time. It would be best to be able to focus entirely on your SAT prep in the time leading up to the actual test date.

Getting Ready for the SAT

In the weeks before your SAT test date, you will need to study and prepare in order to ensure you perform to the best of your ability on test day. We have compiled a list of simple tips to help you figure out your personal studying rhythm.

Plan Out Your Study Routine

The first step to scoring well on the SAT is to create a study plan. Determine your target score (the score that will make you a competitive applicant at each of your top schools) and design a study routine that will enable you to achieve that score.

Tailor your routine to fit your unique studying habits. Some students may be able to spend 4 hours a day studying while others may only have time to devote 2 hours. If you map out your study plan over a few weeks or months, you should find time to accomplish your goal without burning yourself out by cramming right before the test.

Utilize Practice Tests

Practice tests serve two major purposes: helping you familiarize yourself with the test and providing you with feedback on your studying. By taking the SAT practice tests offered online by the College Board, you can experience what it will be like to take the digital SAT on the actual test day. This experience may be useful for those suffering from test anxiety as it exposes them to the timer and gives them a feel of how long they will have to complete each section of the test.

Both online and paper practice tests offer results that you can use to adjust your study habits to improve in different areas. For example, you may notice after taking a few practice assessments that you continuously struggle on a certain type of math question. Dedicate time in your study schedule to practicing those types of questions and check how well you perform on them the next time you take a practice test. Chances are, seeing yourself improve will be a great motivator to keep working hard.

Find Your Ideal Study Spot

Students are often tempted to study in their rooms. Unfortunately, your room or your home in general is usually full of distractions. From the temptation of your phone and TV to interruptions from your siblings or parents, home distractions make it difficult to truly focus and study well.

We recommend venturing out to your school or local library for study sessions. Since you have to be quiet in the library, you will not be tempted to use your phone or chat with others, allowing you to really hone in for a few hours of quality studying. If the library isn’t your scene or there isn’t a location near you, consider studying in a quiet spot outside or in a small coffee shop.

Enroll in Test Prep Courses

Looking for a little extra guidance in your study plan? Prep Expert has you covered! Our catalog of online SAT prep courses offers a variety of options, including self-paced courses, 6 to 8 week prep guides, and weekend reviews. No matter how you prefer to study, we can provide the materials and guidance you need to help you achieve your academic goals.

In fact, our courses come with a Guaranteed 200 Point SAT Boost so you can rest assured in the knowledge that your time with our expert instructors will be a well-spent investment toward your future educational success.

Prep Expert

Written by Prep Expert

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