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Public University Benefits For High School Students

Too many high school students think that they have to attend a private college or university for better quality education. The truth is that there are plenty of public university benefits to consider, even if you’re still interested in moving over to a private institution later.

There are quite a few public university benefits for high school students making the transition to college, most of them are interrelated yet relevant.

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public university benefits

In-State Tuition Rates

If budget is a concern, then take advantage of in-state prices.

A huge benefit of attending a public institution within your home state is the reduced tuition rates. By simply living in-state and proving residency, you can save a significant amount of money versus out of state students.

Furthermore, some schools offer additional scholarships and grant money to state residents specifically. This money and reduced rate can hold off considerable loan debt after graduation.

Plus, public university rates are normally much less than private institutions in general. Think about that when applying to schools and for financial aid.

Reduce Private Loan Dependency

Public universities are better at extending financial aid money.

Chances are good you’ll need to take out student loans to pay for some schooling. Public universities, on the whole, are better at stretching out the money you’ll receive from federal financial aid because of tuition pricing.

At a private institution, the costs could be considerably higher, which forces you to look for additional monies to cover them. At such a time, you’ll likely have to take out private loans.

The drawback is those loans are known to have much higher interest rates than federally-backed ones. Use the public system to avoid these loans as much as possible.

Prestige At A Better Price

Don’t think a public university degree doesn’t carry weight.

There are many schools out there that are “public universities” that carries tremendous prestige with employers and the public at large:

  • UCLA
  • UC Berkeley
  • The University of Michigan
  • The University of Virginia
  • Texas A&M University

While they’re not dirt cheap, these schools still carry comparable price tags when compared to elite private schools without skimping on resources, educational talent, and alumni reach.

Furthermore, if you qualify for in-state tuition at any of these schools, then the savings vs price debate tips even further into the public university camp. Don’t think that the most expensive school is always the best one to attend for your career.

Save Money At Home

Living at home will help save you money.

We understand that part of the college experience for most kids is moving away from home. Taking that first step towards independence is important, but it’s not essential to the overall experience.

Attending a public university near home allows you to still earn valuable credits while saving money on both tuition and housing costs. Not having to pay for rent, food, tuition, or other living essentials while attending classes relieves stress and future economic burden.

Even if it’s just for a couple of semesters to help save money, take advantage of your home if you can. Your bank account and credit score will thank you for it.

Transfer Over Time

Use a public university as a bridge to a private college education.

Let’s say that you have your heart set on a private college but can’t afford the costs right off the bat. That fact doesn’t mean you have to give up completely. Instead, a public university provides the options to:

  • Start attending school
  • Accumulating credits (quite often prerequisites you have to complete)
  • Potentially transferring over to your dream school midway

Not only will you have earned the necessary credits, but you can take advantage of reduced pricing to set aside money for the increased tuition and living costs. Plenty of students pursue this option.

However, make sure to review the transfer policies for both schools to ensure everything you’ve earned credit-wise moves over seamlessly. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to waste money and time repeating courses.

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Public University Benefits FAQ

How can a public university save me money?

A huge benefit of attending a public institution within your home state is the reduced tuition rates. By simply living in-state and proving residency, you can save a significant amount of money versus out of state students. Furthermore, some schools offer additional scholarships and grant money to state residents specifically.

Which public universities have a great reputation?

There are many public universities that carry tremendous prestige with employers and the public at large – UCLA, UC Berkeley, The University of Michigan, The University of Virginia, and Texas A&M University.

What’s another perk of attending public universities?

Attending a public university near home allows you to still earn valuable credits while saving money on both tuition and housing costs. Not having to pay for rent, food, tuition, or other living essentials while attending classes relieves stress and economic burden.

Do I have to stay at a public university or can I transfer to somewhere else?

A public university provides the options to – Start attending school, Accumulate credits (quite often prerequisites you have to complete), and Potentially transfer over to your dream school midway. Not only will you have earned the necessary credits, but you can take advantage of reduced pricing to save money.