Make Inferences, Not Assumptions, on the SAT

Make Inferences, Not Assumptions, on the SAT If you struggle with the SAT Reading and Writing sections, listen up! We have a tip that could help you boost your score without any additional studying required. All you have to do is pay attention and put in a little practice. Here’s the key: On the SAT, you need to make inferences, not assumptions. Read on to learn the important difference between an inference and an assumption along…

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SAT Time Breakdown With Breaks

sat time breakdown with breaks

For any student considering taking the SAT, here’s the full SAT time breakdown with breaks that you should use to help your test prep. Doing well on the SAT will help bolster your college applications and increase your eligibility for a variety of competitive scholarships and academic programs. While you will obviously want to have a strong understanding of the concepts covered on the test to earn a good score,…

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How to Get Into Stanford: Breaking Down Stanford Admission Requirements in 2024

How to Get Into Stanford: Breaking Down Stanford Admission Requirements in 2024

Applying to college is overwhelming no matter what schools are on your list, but you might find yourself sweating a little bit more than your classmates if you decide to apply to a selective school like Stanford University. However, putting your application together doesn’t have to be as scary as it seems! In this guide, I will tell you everything you need to know about current admission requirements for Stanford…

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Why DEI is Destroying Meritocracy and How MEI Can Save Us

Why DEI is Destroying Meritocracy and How MEI Can Save Us

In recent years, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives have become a cornerstone of many corporate and educational policies. While these initiatives aim to promote inclusivity and rectify historical inequities, they often conflict with the principles of meritocracy. As the Founder & CEO of Prep Expert, I advocate for a return to a system based on Merit, Excellence, and Intelligence (MEI) by both companies and colleges. The Problems with DEI…

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Should I Take an SAT Prep Course?

Should I Take an SAT Prep Course?

If you’re getting ready to take the SAT soon, you might be wondering whether or not you should enroll in an SAT prep course. The truth is, every student can benefit from a prep course, even those who already know how to study for exams. Prep courses provide you with all the tools and materials you need to study for the SAT and improve your scores. They also offer up…

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Top Strategies College Admissions Consultants Use to Get Students into Ivy League Schools

College Consulting Strategies

Many high school students believe they have to navigate the college admissions process, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Parents, teachers, and guidance counselors can all play an important role in helping you prepare your college applications. On top of these resources, you can also look to a college admissions consultant for help. Consultants have an in-depth knowledge of the college admissions process and know exactly what admissions…

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How to Get Into Harvard: Breaking Down Harvard Admission Requirements in 2024

How to Get Into Harvard: Breaking Down Harvard Admission Requirements in 2024

Is Harvard at the top of your dream school list? If so, you may feel discouraged or even intimidated by the school’s notoriously low acceptance rate. But, I’m here to tell you that getting into Harvard is an achievable goal as long as you know the admission requirements, plan out your application timeline, and put the work into creating a stellar application. Here’s what it takes to get into Harvard!…

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A Complete Guide to Guaranteed SAT and ACT Score Scholarships

A Complete Guide to Guaranteed SAT and ACT Score Scholarships

According to data gathered by the Education Data Initiative, there are more than 1.7 million scholarships handed out to college students every year. But, surprisingly, only 7% of college students receive some form of scholarship. If you want to be among that 7%, you can greatly increase your chances of earning scholarships by raising your standardized test scores. Many colleges and national programs offer students guaranteed scholarships if their SAT…

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The Erosion of Meritocracy: The Consequences of Removing Standardized Tests and Implementing DEI Policies in American College Admissions

The Erosion of Meritocracy: The Consequences of Removing Standardized Tests and Implementing DEI Policies in American College Admissions

Introduction As the Founder & CEO of Prep Expert, an organization dedicated to helping students excel in standardized tests and gain admissions to top universities, I have witnessed firsthand the power of merit-based evaluation in transforming lives. However, recent trends in American higher education, including the removal of standardized tests and the implementation of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies, threaten to undermine the very foundation of meritocracy. This shift…

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Pre-Med Class Recommendations

Getting into medical school is no easy task. It takes a lot of hard work and careful preparation to gain the knowledge and skills you need to build a strong application and succeed on the MCAT. But, you can accelerate your journey and establish a strong foundation for medical school by making sure you take the right courses during undergraduate. Every year thousands of college students label themselves “pre-med” and…

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