ACT Test Anxiety Strategies
It’s perfectly fine to be nervous about taking the ACT. However, don’t let that anxiety sabotage your success. Use these ACT test anxiety strategies to keep yourself positive and focused.
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ACT Test Anxiety Strategies To Start Using
Use Meditation To Center Yourself
Meditation is a proven strategy for stress relief and calming one’s nerves.
The catch is it takes time to get good at it. With practice, it gets easier and comfortable to achieve. Studies show that meditation is indeed an effective tool for improving focus and awareness at the moment.
When meditating, mindfulness is your goal. The key is working through your anxieties in order to be present within the moment. Here’s a 3-step process to get started:
- Find a calm place to sit
- Focus on breathing in and out alone
- Focus on the breathing alone mentally
If the process doesn’t work immediately, don’t worry. Meditation is a process that can’t be rushed for results. Keep practicing those steps and staying positive about the process.
Research The Test Beforehand
Understand what exactly you’re facing before the test day arrives.
Before taking the ACT, learn everything about it that’ll affect your score. Take practice tests under realistic timing.
Better yet, take practice tests every Saturday morning in a library. Why? Because ACT test dates are normally administered Saturday mornings in public testing centers.
These conditions train your mind then to adjust to this time frame and surroundings. Break down each section’s subject matter and question types, and how long you have to answer questions.
Your anxiety is reduced when you know exactly what’s coming your way. All you do now is simply answer the questions in front of you.
Use Diet And Exercise For Conditioning
Make your body strong to support your mind.
Exercise is a great stress reliever. When your brain is anxious from hours of ACT test prep, go for a walk or another physical activity.
The physical exertion eliminates excessive energy and recenters your mind. Moreover, consume a healthy diet of vegetables, fruits, and lean meats to maintain your energy levels.
A balanced diet energizes the brain both before, during, and after the test effectively. On the morning of your test date, eat a healthy breakfast to boost your energy level, and make your brain immediately alert.
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Written by Prep Expert
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