Million-Dollar Ideas Are Easy

I’ve decided to publish my first self-development book, Self-Made Success: Ivy League Shark Tank Entrepreneur Reveals 48 Secret Strategies To Live Happier, Healthier, and Wealthier. You can order it here. I release an excerpt from the book every Sunday as a series of blog posts called “Self-Made Sundays.” Below is the fourth blog post. Read the last one here. Success Strategy: Understand That Million-Dollar Ideas Are Easy Million-dollar ideas are everywhere. Having a million-dollar idea is…
Read MoreHow To Go Viral: The Art of Planned Virality

I’ve decided to publish my first self-development book, Self-Made Success: Ivy League Shark Tank Entrepreneur Reveals 48 Secret Strategies To Live Happier, Healthier, and Wealthier. You can order it here. I will release an excerpt from the book every Sunday as a series of blog posts called “Self-Made Sundays.” Below is the second blog post. Read the first one here. At 2400 Expert, we use three principles in our SAT & ACT prep courses:…
Read MoreHow To Get On Shark Tank In 2 Months

How To Get On Shark Tank In 2 Months I stood in line with 500 other entrepreneurs for nine hours at an open call audition for Shark Tank in New York on April 9th. I pitched my business in front of Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, and Robert Herjavec in Hollywood on June 24th. I am now going to air on ABC’s Shark Tank on Friday, January 29th…
Read More2400 Expert To Air On ABC’s Shark Tank Friday January 29th

2400 Expert To Air On ABC’s Shark Tank on January 29th The chance of getting on ABC’s hit show Shark Tank is 0.2%. The chance of getting a perfect SAT score is 0.02%. The chance of doing both is 0.004%. That’s exactly what 2400 Expert Founder Shaan Patel has done! Shaan Patel will be appearing on ABC’s Shark Tank on Friday, January 29th. As 7 million viewers watch, Patel will be pitching a…
Read MoreVideo: Why Rejection Is The Necessary Evil of Entrepreneurship

I never originally planned to start a test prep company. I actually wanted to write an SAT prep book. However, my book proposal was rejected by 106 literary agents and publishers. So I took my destiny into my own hands and started 2400 Expert. I have been rejected over and over again in my life. However, I have never stopped trying. Check out the video below to see how I started 2400…
Read More6 Quotes The Most Successful Students Say Everyday

Succeeding at school doesn’t happen by coincidence. Here are 6 quotes the most successful students say everyday in order to create their own future! (1) “One Day at a Time.” High school can get busy. Instead of becoming overwhelmed with AP classes, SAT/ACT exams, sports, and extracurricular activities, successful students take each day as it comes completing as much as they possibly can in one 24-hour period. (2) “One Task…
Read MoreEntrepreneurs Have No Idea What They’re Doing

I would classify myself as an entrepreneur. But what does being an entrepreneur really mean? “Entrepreneur” derives from the French word “entreprendre,” which literally means “to undertake.” And that’s exactly what I believe it means to be an entrepreneur. In order to be an entrepreneur, you just have to undertake a venture. This is not the same thing as having an idea. Billions of people have ideas. But only a…
Read More3 Tips For Launching a Business For Student Entrepreneurs

I launched a test prep business with $900 during my senior year of college that has now generated millions in revenue. However, it was not easy. Most entrepreneurs have the luxury of dedicating all of their time to the business. Unfortunately, student entrepreneurs have to balance class with business. Here are a few tips that will help you be more effective at launching a business while in school. (1) Schedule…
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