Chemistry MasterClass

Online HD Video Course Taught by Liz Russillo

If you are currently taking chemistry and looking for additional supports, this course is for you! You will gain an additional perspective and teaching around topics you are learning.

What You’ll Learn

Deep dive into topics covered in high school chemistry courses around the United States. Students will gain an in depth knowledge of chemistry topics that are taught in the their high school chemistry course. Students should see improved test scores in their chemistry course. Students will grow as problem solvers and collaborators.

What are the courses like?

Get a head start and go into chemistry with a great background knowledge. Direct instruction from an experienced and award winning chemistry educator. Collaboration in breakout rooms with a variety of high school students. Practice with topics and feedback around the student’s quest towards mastery.

Next Generation Standards

Course is taught by award winning Chemistry teacher Liz Russillo. Assignments geared towards mastery of chemistry content. Lesson aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Prep Expert is so confident in our teaching and curriculum, we backup our MasterClasses with a simply remarkable 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If your student is not 100% satisfied after completing our MasterClasses, we will refund 100% of your purchase. See Terms for complete details and qualification requirements.

Course is taught by Award Winning Chemistry Teacher, Liz Russillo