4 Extracurricular Activities for a Career in Medicine

Are you considering a career in healthcare? If so, did you know there are ways to kickstart your career path and start building the skills you need while you’re still in high school? It’s true! We’ve put together a list of 4 extracurricular activities that high school students can use to learn what it’s like to work in healthcare, gain hands-on experience, and lay the groundwork for crafting competitive applications…

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Why Is The SAT Important? 

It really seems like everything is important for today’s students, doesn’t it? From extracurriculars to the ever-increasing challenge of schoolwork, you’re told from the first day of your first year that everything you do counts. And that includes your test scores! Not just your academic exams, but your standardized test scores. While it is true that many schools dropped SAT and ACT requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is also…

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What Are SAT Reading Passages and How to Solve Them?

As the founder of Prep Expert, I’ve guided countless students just like you through the SAT, and one of the biggest challenges they face is the reading section. The SAT reading passages aren’t like the novels or articles you might be used to reading for school or for fun. They require a unique approach that combines solid reading comprehension with sharp test-taking strategies. Let’s break down what SAT reading passages…

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SAT Timing: The Best Way to Manage Time During the SAT

When you watch TV and somebody’s taking a test, it’s almost always stressful. You see them gripping their pencil, sweating as the ticking clock gets louder and louder. Virtually all academic tests have some sort of time limit, and the SAT is no different. But you don’t have to sit there stressed out about the clock. Instead, you can be cool and confident, completing the test with ease and maybe…

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5 Words That Are Always Incorrect on the Digital SAT

The Reading and Writing section of the SAT is notorious for tripping students up with its tricky wording. But, by learning which words are usually at the scene of the crime, you can avoid falling into the trap and instead start boosting your score. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of 5 words that often appear in incorrect answer choices on the digital SAT Reading and Writing section.…

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The SAT Math Section: What You Need to Know and How to Prepare

SHARK TANK – “Episode 716” – A college student from Las Vegas, NV who earned a perfect SAT score wants to expand his business to help others increase their test scores, but can he deliver a perfect pitch to the Sharks? Husband and wife exercise enthusiasts from Jenison, MI believe they have created the ideal sports bra that women have long been looking for; two millennials from Denver, CO want…

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All Colleges That Reinstated SAT / ACT Test Score Requirements In 2024

For a brief period, many colleges and universities hopped on the trend of dropping standardized testing requirements for incoming freshmen. However, this trend has reversed just as quickly, and many schools have already reinstated testing, or will be reinstating it in the coming years. Is your top choice among them? Top Universities That Have Reinstated Testing The shift back to standardized testing has been most notable among some of the…

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Make Inferences, Not Assumptions, on the SAT

https://player.vimeo.com/video/970823074?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479 If you struggle with the SAT Reading and Writing sections, listen up! We have a tip that could help you boost your score without any additional studying required. All you have to do is pay attention and put in a little practice. Here’s the key: On the SAT, you need to make inferences, not assumptions. Read on to learn the important difference between an inference and an assumption along…

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SAT Time Breakdown With Breaks

For any student considering taking the SAT, here’s the full SAT time breakdown with breaks that you should use to help your test prep. Doing well on the SAT will help bolster your college applications and increase your eligibility for a variety of competitive scholarships and academic programs. While you will obviously want to have a strong understanding of the concepts covered on the test to earn a good score,…

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Should I Take an SAT Prep Course?

If you’re getting ready to take the SAT soon, you might be wondering whether or not you should enroll in an SAT prep course. The truth is, every student can benefit from a prep course, even those who already know how to study for exams. Prep courses provide you with all the tools and materials you need to study for the SAT and improve your scores. They also offer up…

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