A Comprehensive Digital SAT Prep Guide

Starting in Spring 2024, all students who choose to take the SAT will take the test in its digital format. The College Board will no longer offer the traditional paper-and-pencil version of the exam for any students.  As a result of this change, students may be left wondering how the digital exam will be different and how they should go about preparing for it. In this comprehensive digital SAT guide,…

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A Complete PSAT Study Guide

Is the PSAT on the horizon for you? If so, you may be wondering what makes this test important and how you can best prepare for it. In this complete PSAT study guide, we will examine the impact of the PSAT on a student’s academic career and offer strategies, tips, and resources to help you pave the way for success. Understanding the PSAT Before you dive into creating your perfect…

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How the Digital SAT Is Structured

If you’re getting ready to take the brand new digital SAT this spring, your mind is probably buzzing with questions. How will it be different from the paper version of the exam? Is the structure still the same? Are there any special considerations to keep in mind for the digital SAT that didn’t come into play on the paper test? Never fear! We’re here to answer all your burning questions…

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What Is a Bad SAT Score?

If you asked college-bound students to list their greatest fears, receiving a bad SAT score would probably make the cut for most of them. But what is a bad SAT score? How do you understand the numbers on your scorecard in the broader context of college, scholarships, percentiles, national averages, and more?  Join us as we break down the different ways you can measure your SAT score and determine whether…

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Colleges With No Application Fee in 2024 – A Full List

The financial strain of applying to college can be overwhelming for prospective students. From the cost of standardized testing to travel expenses when visiting campuses, there are many small expenses that pile up during the admissions process. In this guide, we will focus on college application fees, providing information about what they are and how to apply wisely as well as a complete list of colleges with no application fee…

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The Best College Essay Topics

College essays present students with a special opportunity to show the admissions board at their dream school who they are outside of their test scores and academic achievements. For many students, such an important opportunity can feel like a lot of pressure, leaving them fretting over what to cover in their 650 word allotment. Read on to discover the features that make a college essay stand out, which subjects to…

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A Key Trick to Overcome Procrastination

Students at all stages of their academic careers deal with procrastination. Surveys indicate that 80 to 95 percent of college students procrastinate regularly while about 86 percent of high school students also struggle with procrastination. So, don’t fret if you find it challenging to buckle down and get to work on difficult tasks. You’re not the only one! But how do you overcome procrastination? Are there ways to motivate yourself…

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Where Is The Best Place To Study?

Studying is hard enough on its own without having to fend off distractions. Many students struggle to find a study environment that minimizes distractions and enables them to fully focus on their work. Home often is not a viable option due to siblings, parents, pets, and the undeniable urge to close the books and take a nap. So, where is the best place to study? Is there any way to…

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The Number 1 Reason to Consider a Career in Healthcare

Settling on a career path may be one of the most overwhelming decisions you will have to make in your life. There are many factors that go into such a huge choice, including potential salary, education or training requirements, natural talent, interest, location, personal fulfilment, and more. You may weigh these factors differently depending on which career paths you have in mind. Many students wind up with a particular interest…

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ACT Test Dates 2024

Attention juniors and seniors! Are you ready to sign up for the ACT?  If you are wondering how to choose an ACT test date that will give you enough time to study and let you receive your scores early enough to send them to all your top schools, look no further! We have compiled a comprehensive guide to the 2024 ACT test dates so you can select the best test…

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