ACT Essay Samples | Good vs Bad Examples

The ACT Essay option is a great way to impress college admissions officers with your writing ability. But what does a good essay look like vs a bad one? Thankfully, ACT has provided some helpful ACT essay samples that you can study based on good vs not-so-good examples. In addition, here are 10 helpful ACT Essay prep tips to practice before test day. ACT Essay Samples Prompt This provided prompt,…

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ACT Writing Prompts | Real World Examples

The best way to prepare for the ACT Writing section is getting an idea of what you’ll actually face beforehand. To make life easier, here are a number of previous ACT Writing prompts to practice with before test day. Here are some additional ACT Writing section hacks to help prepare you before test day. ACT Writing The ACT Writing section is the only optional one on the test. Students have…

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What Does The ACT Measure | Section By Section

We talk about the ACT, but what is each section supposed to measure from test-takers? Today, let’s answer in a nutshell, what does the ACT measure from students. What does the ACT measure? Let’s take a quick look at what it is meant to examine in students. Here’s the latest news on where ACT scores are in 2020. What The ACT Measures Overall The ACT is designed to measure what…

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ACT Test Structure In A Nutshell

How is the ACT structured? To start breaking the test down and identifying what you need to prepare for, here’s the ACT test structure at a glance. Besides knowing how it’s structured, it’s good to have battle-tested strategies to pull from on your first ACT attempt, and any retakes you pursue. [sat_one] ACT Test Structure Elements ACT Format Breakdown Here are the main sections and times to think about. The…

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How To Prepare For The ACT | 10 Quick Tips

How to prepare for the ACT? Thousands of students ask themselves that question every year. The full answer is expansive, but these eight tips are a great place to start. While going through ACT prep, it’s easy to get stressed out as the big day gets close. If that happens, here are a few extra tips on how to keep focused before test day. [act_one] How To Prepare For The…

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ACT Sections 101 | How The Test Is Structured

If you’re looking at taking the ACT, then you first need to understand its basic structure. Here are the different ACT sections and what they’ll test you on. If you’re looking for a shortcut for how to handle the ACT English section, or need some ACT grammar tips instead, we have you covered there too. [act_one] ACT Sections Basic Overview The current ACT is comprised of five sections: English, Math,…

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25 Helpful ACT Test Tips In 5 Minutes

Everybody loves lists. Everybody loves tips. If you’re thinking about taking the ACT but have no idea how to start preparing for it…then we’ve got you covered here with our own ACT test tips. Need a place to start preparing for the ACT? Here then are 25 fast and easy ACT test tips to get your prep started. Learn how to prepare for standardized tests with our year-round SAT prep…

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SAT vs ACT Major Differences

After the 2016 SAT redesign, both the SAT and ACT are closer than ever in terms of content and format. However, there are still a few key differences remaining between these two standardized test formats. Here are a few SAT vs ACT major differences to be aware of when considering which test to ultimately focus your time and studies on. Let us help you prepare for standardized tests with our…

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10 Helpful ACT Grammar Tips

The ACT English section presents students with plenty of challenges by making them focus on every grammatical detail. The test makers are more than happy to trip you up by slipping grammar mistakes so basic that you might miss them. Unfortunately, missing those details will take off points from your final score. To make life simpler, here are 10 ACT grammar tips to keep in mind when both practicing for…

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ACT vs SAT Essay Differences

Despite being optional, the ACT and SAT Essay sections are still important tests to take because the skills they stress are important in both academic and professional life. Students who do decide to take them will have advantages over those who skip them, in the long term. Let’s take a look at the differences between the ACT vs SAT Essay and why it’s still good to do it even if…

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