Community Service Ideas For Students

Many colleges want to see what kinds of community service applicants have done during high school. Thankfully, there are many community service ideas to try out. Here’s a brief list of community service ideas to use if you haven’t found the time to provide service just yet for college applications. Don’t forget to see what SAT prep and ACT prep courses we have starting soon, especially if you haven’t taken…

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Off Campus Living Tips For Students

Getting through your freshman year in college is made easier in small part because you’re living in a dormitory that handles many living needs for you. But what happens when you move away after that first year? Use these basic off-campus living tips to successfully navigate your first year living away from home and the dorms. Don’t forget to learn about our SAT prep and ACT prep options today, if…

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Public Vs Private College Pros And Cons

Choosing between a public and private college doesn’t always boil down to a price; there are various factors to consider when making that final decision. To help make your choice easier, consider these public vs private college pros and cons. Don’t forget to see how we can help you out with either the SAT or the ACT today. Tuition Rates Let’s first look at how public vs private colleges handle…

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Work Study Program Pros Vs Cons

Besides loans and grants, another financial aid option available to students is the work study program. They’re a helpful mix of funds and everyday work. Before applying for it, here are a few work study program pros vs cons to consider and see if it’s a good fit for you. Take a second to learn about our ACT prep and SAT prep class options today before reading further. What Does…

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Quick Ivy League Fun Facts

Besides being well-known for their ‘elite’ status, the Ivy League also has some quirky features and history that most people and students don’t know about. Here are a handful of Ivy League fun facts that shed new light on these famous institutions, making them more human than fancy. If you haven’t done so already, take a second to check out our SAT prep and ACT prep course options today. Harvard…

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Student Loan Tips To Consider When Applying & Repaying

Many students are worried about taking on too much student loan debt while attending college. The good news is there are things you can do to make life easier while dealing with them. Here are a number of student loan tips to consider when both applying for financial aid, and how to make repayment easier too. Take a minute to see what we offer for SAT prep classes and ACT…

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Study Abroad Tips For College Students

Most colleges and universities offer students the option to travel overseas to study abroad with other institutions. These travels often prove invaluable for a student’s education and life experience. Here are a few study abroad tips to use when getting ready to travel overseas for school. Take a moment to check out both our SAT prep and ACT prep class options today. You Need The Correct Documentation The most important…

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The College Packing Checklist For Dorm Rooms

If you’re attending college or university out of state, then besides all the emotions of excitement and nervousness, you have to deal with this question…what do you bring for your dorm room? Here’s a standard college packing checklist to use when figuring out what to take with you on move-in day. Take a minute today to check out our various SAT prep and ACT prep course options. Basic Room Needs…

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Student Athlete College Prep Tips

For student-athletes looking to attend college via athletic scholarships, there are a number of steps you can take in high school to make the process easier for recruitment. If you’re a fresh student-athlete looking to use your skills for college, then take a minute to check out these student-athlete college prep tips. Take a moment to review our SAT prep and ACT prep courses today, if you still need to…

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5 College First Year Tips To Follow

College is an amazing experience but nerve-wracking for many students in the beginning because of how unfamiliar it is. Make that transition from high school to college easier with these five college first year tips to follow on day one. Don’t forget to check out SAT prep and ACT prep courses we offer before applying to colleges. Make Class Your Top Priority As a brand-new student, you’ll be faced with…

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