National Merit PSAT Cutoff Scores Class of 2020

Every state has its own PSAT score cutoff for the National Merit Scholarship. Here are the National Merit PSAT cutoff scores for the class of 2020. Learn how to prepare for standardized tests with our year-round SAT prep and ACT prep courses today. National Merit PSAT Cutoff Scores Class of 2020 State Class of 2020 Cutoff Score Alabama 216 Alaska 213 Arizona 219 Arkansas 214 California 222 Colorado 220 Connecticut 221…

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National Merit PSAT Cutoff Scores: Class Of 2018

The National Merit Scholarship Program’s mission is “to promote wider and deeper respect for learning in general and for exceptionally talented individuals in particular.” Here are the national merit PSAT cutoff scores for 2018 to best help you succeed in receiving a National Merit Scholarship. If you didn’t perform well on the PSAT, we highly recommend checking out our tutorials and resources, or signing up for our SAT prep course! Commended…

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