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SAT Prep Class Essay Tip – SAT Essay Introduction Template

In this video of my online SAT prep class, I share my essay template for the introduction paragraph of every SAT Essay. SAT Essay Templates are essentially fill-in-the-blank skeletons that students can use to write an essay about any topic they see on test day.


Students love templates because they allow them to get high scores without having to worry about getting writer’s block on test day. We can use templates on SAT Essays because the topics are very broad.

It’s not considered plagiarism because I’m giving students permission to use my templates. In addition, graders can’t score essays that use templates lower because they must give similar essays the same score on standardized exams. Otherwise, the graders would be invalidating the entire purpose of a standardized exam. Now that’s gaming the system!

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Dr. Shaan Patel MD MBA

Written by Dr. Shaan Patel MD MBA

Prep Expert Founder & CEO

Shark Tank Winner, Perfect SAT Scorer, Dermatologist, & #1 Bestselling Author
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